31 March, 2013

Bulbo; Bulletin Board

Good morning everyone!!
Pfftt I can't sleep well thanks to this backache. I feel so old :|

By the way, few weeks ago, Miwwa sempat mention gw dan beberapa temen-temen yang lain sembari membahas tentang Bulbo. Lamaa banget gw ngeh, bulbo itu apa. Semacam kue lapis pesaing red velvet cake? ato sejenis ikan panggang rasa baru? So when I rolled in to Miwwa's blog, I happen to find one post about Bulbo. Bulletin Board, yang biasa dimainkan di Friendster, Miwwa said. Dan biasa gw mainkan di Facebook, di notes dan gw sering share agar temen-temen yang lain bisa baca, copas, mainkan, dan tag. lol.

So bulbo di bawah ini gw colong dari postnya Miwwa, tentunya dengan penyesuaian dan editing seperlunya sebanyak mungkin. If you guys read this and wanna try, feel free to join, copy-paste and edit this bulbog into your blog-post. Or Facebook note. Or any other similar socmed sites. Also please, leave some comment so I can pay a roll-visit. Yes, takes time to do these on Twitter. HA!!

Here goes :

1. What is your best friends name? Not IS, but ARE. I can't mention one by one because it would trigger war. SKIP THIS!!
2. What color underwear/boxers you are wearing now? Are you gonna buy me some? Not Pink, please. And make it a dozen of L. Err..
3. What are you listening to right now? wait a sec...
4. Whats your favorite number? 9 and 6. Mark those in you calendar, lol.
5. What was the last thing you ate? Hm,, Sate Padang? No, it was 12 hours ago. Wait, what time is it?
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Again, anything but Pink heheu~
7. How is the weather right now? It's fine, thanks for asking.
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? A mailbox. Damn..
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Adam's apple? Ouch..
10. Do you have a significant other? Depends. Hahahaha~
11. Favorite TV show? TV Show? Larva counts? Doraemon? Shinchan? So WHAT??
12. Siblings? many. big family, it is.
13. Height? 162 cm and actually I'm expecting more..
14. Hair color? Black
15. Eye Color? Brown.
16. Do you wear contacts? I save them on my phones, yes. Errr
17. Favorite Holiday? Ied Fitri so far.
18. Month? Do we have 13th month? I'm gonna pick it as my fave.
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? Yap. Mind blown and totally exhausted.
20. What was the last movie you watched? AHA! Olympus Has Fallen. Cool, dude. You must watch how Gerard Butler ki...*tut tut tut tut*
21. Favorite Day of the Year? PASS!
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? out? of office? often. out of house? hmm..
23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? what is that for, again?
24. Hugs or Kisses? hugs
25. Chocolate or Vanilla? Mocachino, well blended, 1 spoon of sugar will be good, please.
26. Do you want your friends to respond to this? As I've mentioned before..
27. Who is most likely to respond to a text from you? Workmates. Damn. hahahaha~
28. Who is least likely to respond to a text from you? sms banking center.
29. What books are you reading? Do you really wanna know? :3
30. Piercings? I have two, so far.
31. Favorite movies? None. Animes, I have many, if those count.
32. Favorite football Team? I have no idea what to answer on this. Manchester United!! :))
33. What are you doing right now? Wandering how this stupid question could pop out.
34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? I don't prefer butter.
37. Dogs or cats? OKAY! Cats..
38. Favorite flower? fake flowers.
39. Been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to do? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~
40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? Most of my friends are.
41. Have you ever loved someone? What the..??
42. Who would you like to see right now? My Mom.
43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? I didn't go to kindergarten so we can skip this question.
44. Have you ever fired a gun? No.
45. Do you like to travel by plane? If I have Pintu Kemana Saja, I will say No to this.
47. How many pillows do you sleep with? 3
48. Are you missing someone? Yes.
49. Do you have a tattoo? Huh?
50. thank you. you're welcome! I'll be sending you the bill, soon.

30 March, 2013

Curcol Selewat

I'm writing this post with extraordinary exhausted feeling.
In the middle of my overtime at my unit.
Highly expecting when this suffer shall end.

Menghabiskan long weekend dengan overtime, working and working, bukan kali pertama bagi gw. Udah sering, sampe udah hampir mati rasa. Bukan dari pekerjaan yang ini aja, tapi udah sedari pekerjaan gw yang pertama, 2009 lalu. Sering pulang malam, wiken dengan bekerja, bukan hal baru. Sometimes I try to enjoy it, some other times I just feel stuck and hit my bad mood. Ah anyway when I can think straight, I know I should be relieved for those come as some colors in my work-sphere.

I'll be exploring a new side of this company's system by April 1st, FYI. Different kind of job, a little more technical thing, I assume. Udah molor sebulan dari penanggalan yang seharusnya, karena kebutuhan di unit gw akan swadaya masih sangat tinggi dengan tingkat kegiatan yang masih maksimal dibanding unit lain, so atasan gw yang sekarang masih meminta gw untuk bertahan sesaat lebih lama dengan meminta toleransi postpone ke atasan gw di tempat yang baru.

Satu tahun empat bulan masa kerja gw di Unit ini, terhitung sejak pertama kali gw landing di kota mpek-mpek ini dan langsung ditempatkan di sini, membuat gw sering berpikir "Okay now I think I have enough". I mean, I need some space and chance to explore more at any side of this company. Not only operational but also technical. Makanya gw berharap banyak ketika dapat info akan dipindahkan ke bagian yang lebih bersifat teknis dan perencanaan. Moreover, gw sangat ingin menikmati yang namanya the real days off and holiday. *iya, statement ini sangat bertolak belakang dengan statement awal gw* *disini part dimana gw bisa bilang ifyouknowwhatimean* *dikeplak massal*

Cerita gw agak ga jelas dan loncat-loncat ye?? Iye.
Sebodo yang penting gw apdet blog dong.. Iye.

Karena gw belom banyak cerita tentang kerjaan gw yang sekarang, gw akan usahain untuk share lebih banyak di post-post berikutnya. Kerjaan udah mau kelar so I should put a period to this post.

And since today is still Saturday, I am wishing you all a memorable long weekend at anywhere you are.
Dan doain gw bisa bertahan melalui badai lembur yang cetar membahana ini.
Wish me luck, you guys!

Face straight!!


28 March, 2013

Spams Attack

Sepertinya gw emang ga bisa menjaga ucapan sendiri, bisanya ngomong *nulis* aje bakal update lebih banyak tahun ini, taunya Februari dilewati dengan NOL postingan. NOL BESAR SAUDARA-SAUDARA!!
Aduh mau dibawa kemana bangsa Indonesia ini nanti haah?! *bergema sepanjang masa*

Jangan tanya gw kemana aja, gw masih disini aja kok, awake and alert selalu, hehehew. Niat untuk update blog tiap hari nongol di pikiran gw, cuman adaa aja alasan untuk pada akhirnya ga jadi update, pffttt.

Kerjaan udah mulai rush hours hampir tiap hari. No more 8 to 4, but 8 to 8, some times more. Almost 24/7 deh. Resiko jadi staff operasional emang begitu, udah pengalaman lama jadi udah biasa, walo kadang masi ga rela jugak wiken gw direbut, lol.

Then suddenly, nyampe kosan jam 11 tadi, nyalain laptop dan langsung aja buka blogger. Dan page pertama yang gw buka adalah Reading List gw, jadi bisa liat update2 dari blogger yang gw follow. Sempat nyegir selewat begitu liat update-an teratas sudah tidak diisi oleh spam post yang entah gimana bisa ngerecoki blog si Anu itu. Dan gw entah bagaimana sampe sekarang masih aja ngefollow blognya si Anu itu. Aneh, iya si Anu emang aneh.

Laluuu,, beranjaklah gw ke pilihan comments. Ehem. Hasrat hati semoga ada gitu dermawan yang singgah meninggalkan sedikit recehan komentar penyemangat agar blog gw bisa sedikit bergairah. And, look what I found. Drum roll, please~


I mean, wth? Baru ditinggal sebulan idle dan spam nya udah sebanyak itu?!
I mean, kemaren2 gw tinggal ngorok seabad juga ga masalah dek kayaknya.

Dan demikian lah, malam menuju pergantian hari gw lewatkan dengan mark - click spam - mark - click spam - F5. Kira2 lebih dari dua page comment list gw dipenuhi oleh spam. Yang lebih bikin kesal lagi adalah setelah gw mengamati keyword spamnya. Tramadol, viagra, valium dan xanax. Gw berasa kena karma setelah mengamati dua keyword terakhir. Xanax, dan Valium. Terpana, kemudian ngakak kayak kehabisan obat.

Xanax dan Valium adalah senjata ampuh gw dan adek-nemu-di-belakang-rumah gw ZFR yang kita gunakan di kala titik stress kita udah menuju maksimal. No, no, bukannya dikonsumsi. Gw sih mau nyoba sesekali, tapi dua nama obat ini kita pake sebagai kosakata ampuh klo lagi ejek-ejekan, mumpung kedua kata ini masih asing bagi publik. Stress needs pain killers, and we name Xanax and Valium. Viagra doesn't count. Err..

Kayaknya bentar lagi dibom ama spams, karena keywords nya terpampang nyata di post gw kali ini. So, gw set comments approval setting, ya. :))

Eh besok long weekend yaa? Long weekend yang tidak menyenangkan bagi gw karena again, gw ga bisa libur, lalu kalopun bisa libur, gw ga akan bisa kemana-mana karena bulan tua, harus nahan-nahan selera. Bagi yang bisa capcus long weekend kemana gitu, berbahagialah kalian. Dan durjana bagi kalian yang tertawa di atas penderitaan orang yg ga bisa liburan gw.

Okay, udah mau jam 2 pagi WIB.
Time to sleep (and awake) for some and many people.
