10 October, 2010


Just arrived in Padang, again. Same routines, same ordinary day, same traffic jam, same view. Jenuh melanda, udah pasti. Bosan dengan pemandangan yang itu-itu saja, surely am. Ga hanya dengan keadaan yang monoton itu, bahkan baru sebulan di kantor yang baru, gw udah bosan. No offense, my dear supervisor. Tapi beneran itu yang gw rasa begitu memasuki minggu ketiga kemaren. But what can I do, contract and ToR have been signed. Thus, I must obey ‘em as a good employee.

Pada dua pekerjaan gw yang lalu, gw bisa menikmati “view” yang berbeda. Ga hanya dinding putih ruangan kantor dan layar laptop, but I did, travel a lot, as part of my job. Walo jarak tempuh perjalanan cuman antar kota dalam propinsi, namun menikmati pemandangan dan bertemu wajah yang berbeda setiap hari merupakan sesuatu yang, mungkin tidak semua orang bisa menikmati. Dan gw ga bisa mendapatkan kenikmatan itu sekarang.

Gosh, I didnt mean to beef about it, just wanted to compared things I’ve been through since my first job, until now. No need to complain since everything we do has its own risk. And I took the risk on my present job; ga bisa kemana2 selama jam kerja kecuali ke toilet dan musholla. Sigh.

Lets skip this silly goofy thing. Since my blueblog’s truly like a grave lately, lets share some updated news from me. Good news number one, I successfully took some break from my tweeting things. Uhm, dunno either it’s good, or bad. But, it has been 4 days since my last tweet. Gosh, coba bandingin sama last blog post gw yang... Maret kemaren?? >.<

Good news number two, thank God I got a pretty good job in Semen Gresik Group, another short term project and my base is at PT Semen Padang. Like I said before, no chance of having a travel during job session since my responsibility is dealing with data, data and data. Me, along with my 19 friends are going to spend 8 hours a day staring at our LCDs till this December. We’re going to get some weight, for sure.

Errr, no bad news, eh? XD (fingers-crossed)

Well I do, have some stories, some problems and sorrows. People have their own timeline, and so do I. And the timelines aren’t always bring up the smiles. Am gonna share it soon, when its pain already gone ;)

Postingan kali ini cuman buat meet and greet aja deh. Miss blogposting, damn I am!! Harus memotivasi diri buat sering2 mengunjungi blogger dot com nih. Dan karena sekarang adalah hari Minggu, well, have a great week ahead, guys! Selamat menikmati sisa² tanggal cantik sepuluh bulan sepuluh tahun dua ribu sepuluh. You’d better make some historical event today XD

When you’re gone, all that is left behind are the memories you created in other people’s life, or a couple of items on a bill – My Bluberry Nights

Wanna share some good news of yours? Just drop some comments, guys. Make sure I won’t miss any ;)